Hello everyone and again as always welcome to my little space on the world wide web. My URL or web address is www.computertalkfornormalfoks.blogspot.com for those of you who would like to refer others to my site. Today we are going to talk about two common types of printers. Laser printers and Ink jet printers. Laser printers like injet printers are able to take write images and text to paper. Laser printers achieve this in a six step process. 1. Cleaning – excess toner is cleaned from a rotating drum 2. Conditioning – An electrical charge is placed on the drum. 3. Writing – A laser beam puts a lower charge on the drum where toner will stick to. 4. Developing – A cylinder puts toner onto the surface of the drum. The toner will stick to the cylinder because of a magnet inside the cylinder. 5. Transferring – Another electrical charge will take the toner off the drum onto the paper. 6. Fusing – Heat applied to the paper to permanently fuse text or images. As you can see Laser printers use a pretty lengthy process to produce text and images on paper. Inkjet printers on the other hand work by dispersing ink through a printer head that moves across the paper. If you are shopping for a new printer and really need high quality printing go with a laser printer. You may pay a little more, but Laser printers use toner which lasts longer than ink cartridges. Inkjet is good for the average user who may use their printer maybe 1-4 times a week printing documents and some lower quality pictures. Inkjet printers are very affordable and simple to maintain and operate.
Well that is it for this post….Hope you enjoyed J
Please remember to comment with any questions you may have.
Good one. Keep it up.