Today we will talk about some of the major components that reside inside of your computer and how they work with one another, so without any further delay lets talk about our first component.
Parts of the computer:
CPU, processor, microprocessor - Think of this as the brains of your computer. It is responsible for carrying out any and every instruction the computer may receive from the end user (that's you). A keypress, the opening of a program, printing a file, etc this is processed by the cpu and then passed along to whatever program you are using.
Memory(Hard Drives and Ram): -As you can see there are two types of basic memory on a computer. You have what you called "permanent storage" and "temporary storage" called primary and secondary respectively. Hard drives are used to store data from programs permanently, which means even when the PC is off your data is still intact. When ever you save a document, picture or music file this is saved to your hard drive. RAM on the other hand is what you would call temporary memory, because RAM merely acts a workspace while you are using programs on your computer. Think of ram as a table, it holds items or for our purposes data to be worked with in the very near future. The larger the table or the more RAM you have the better ability you have to mulitask. This memory is significantly faster than permanent store, however this type of memory is volatile, so when there is a lost of power the contents of this memory is erased. This type of memory is not meant to be permanent.
Optical drive(CD, DVD, and Blueray burners) - Optical drives include any type of devices that relies on light(lasers) to permanently save information to blank media. The aforementioned devices all use lasers to write information to blank cd's dvd's or blueray disks. The drive will spin a disk at a high speed while a laser follow optical path to write data.
Motherboard: This is by far the most important component that resides inside of your computer case. It is the largest component inside of your computer and is responsible for allowing all the components to work together. It provides paths via cables for data and power. This component is responsible for making sure that everything works together and that everything is compatible with each other.
Check back everyday, because we will be exploring each of these components in more detail. These are the most basic components of your computer. There are other parts of your computer such as networking cards, video cards, audio cards, etc. For more information please feel free to comment or email me at
Thank you :)